Narrow Gauge Railway Heritage of Vadodara
This project was conceptualized by Prof. Shalini Amin in 2018 as part of B. Design (Interior) Program. It was undertaken as a studio project primarily examining the possibilities of converting the railway salon shed for adaptive re-use. For which her team comprising of Ms. Sanjana Samel, Mr. Chirag Choudhary and students studied and documented the salon shed prior to proposing design solutions for same. Later, it was formalized into a research project under CHR reviewing complex layers of narrow-gauge railway heritage. It was laid out in three phases out of which phase one is completed and next would be commencing shortly. Then in 2020-21 it was taken up by one of the students of final year B. Design (Interior) as a thesis project under Collaborative Research Project (CRP) duly guided by Prof. Shalini Amin.

Project Team: Shalini Amin, Sanjana Samel, and Chirag Choudhary
Vad of Vadodara: A Community Participatory Mapping Project

This is a community-based multi-disciplinary project initiated by Prof. Pragya Shankar alongwith her team comprising of Prof. Priyanka Kanhare, investigating the natural and cultural heritage of Vad of Vadodara meaning banyan trees and its relevance to city. Here, geo-tagging has been used as a tool in mapping of banyan trees all over the city and neighboring areas. This project is spread out into multiple phases. Currently, phase one comprising of geo-tagging and mapping of banyan trees is going on. The idea of using geo-tagging tool facilitates the process of mapping and the ease of access of tool encourages public involvement in the process. The larger intent is also to sensitize people towards our natural heritage. This research was also taken up as a CRP thesis project by final year B. Arch student, where she conducted detailed socio-cultural study and mapping of Vad of Vadodara under guidance of Prof. Pragya Shankar.
Project Team: Pragya Shankar, and Priyanka Kanhare